EL RETORNO/Chapter 24
The graphic work created between 2013 and 2015 belongs to a set of small and medium-sized drawings, the result of a methodical exploration of one's own subjectivity and inspired by the work of the American psychoanalyst Marion Milner (1900-1998). In the therapy sessions I took at the time, it was concluded that the drawings represented my struggle to establish some kind of relationship with my mother, a biologist who suffers from schizophrenia. From the sequence execution/contemplation/correction, and from the tension between automatism and supervision, emerge complex graphisms, transfigured botanical representations. These drawings represent a biological origin that does not correspond to any meaningful project that can be transmitted to humans, but an earlier instinctive and incomprehensible force that engenders functional organisms with fundamental questions condemned to remain unanswered.
Chapter 24 refers to the chapter of the I-ching book, also called The Book of Mutations. It is a divination system that suggests the existence of logic and causality. The chapter called The Return is interpreted here as the return to the origin, a mysterious and vague place. The resulting portrait of the cycles of nature produces, through its aesthetics, a sense of unease.
S/T. Graphite on paper. A4
S/T. Graphite on paper. A4
S/T. Graphite on paper. A3
S/T. Graphite on paper. A3